Home-made 3-D board for Puerto Rico
Looking through the eyes of my friends, I am enthusiastic about gaming. Indeed it's not difficult to find someone else who is more devoted to games. Today, I came across a page showing some work by a South Korean boardgamer. He demostrated a home-made handcrafted 3-D board as an add-on for a renowned boardgame, Puerto Rico. Although the page is all written in Korean, the pictures can desribe the whole story about making this 3-D board. Not only showing the finished work, there are also images of hand sketches and photos of reference landscapes. If you have ever played Puerto Rico, you would know that such game board is not required at all. Nonetheless, such gorgeous handcraft can definite boost up the atmosphere of gaming, and to help you immersing in the game mood. Truely appreciate his devotion to games.
Fig. 1: Normal setup of game board in a regular Puerto Rico game.
Fig. 2: Home-made 3-D game board by a South Korean boardgamer.
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